Robert Furniss Roe, CEO, Samson & Surrey
Robert Furniss Roe Contact Information: Transcript This is a transcript from The Floridaville podcast. This transcript was created using artificial intelligence so it may not be an accurate account of what was recorded. Rosanna Catalano 00:09 This is The Floridaville ! Get to know the people behind the Florida names you know, I'm your host Rosanna Catalano. On this episode we get to know Robert Furniss Roe, who's br inging innovation to the world of craft liquors. He is the chief operating officer of Samson and Surrey which holds a portfolio of independent premium craft spirits. He's no stranger to the world of alcohol beverages. For years. He headed up Bacardi North America. We are streaming today's episode remotely. I'm in my home office in Tallahassee and Robert is speaking to us from his home in Miami. Well, welcome to ...